Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Snack in Sumatera Barat

West Sumatra has almost all kinds of natural attractions such asthe sea, beaches, lakes, mountains and canyons, in addition tocultural attractions. Hotel accommodation has started manyclasses ranging from jasmine to empat.Selain star, in the culinary world, West Sumatra is also famous for its cuisine and restaurantPadang Padang, and various snacks are:

Putu cake

Putu cake (from the Javanese, puthu [IPA: / puʈu /]) is a type ofIndonesian food in the form of a cake that contains sugar andgrated coconut that comes from Kerala, India, wrapped insteamed rice flour. This cake is usually steamed in bambootubes placed in and sold at night. Sound of steam coming out of the steamer tool is both a promotional tool for merchants whoberjualan.Kebanyakan putu color of this cake is white andreplace the present hijau.Sejumlah bamboo traders with PVCpipe on the grounds of practicality, although the use of PVC in terms of endangering health. putu cake itself has expanded toother countries, like Singapore and Malaysia, although the namesand forms for this cake a little different, but it feels itself equal tothe traditional cake putu Indonesia itself.


Galamai: a kind of lunkhead made ​​of glutinous rice flour, palm sugar and coconut milk. Glutinous rice flour cooked with coconut milk and palm sugar in a skillet (frying pan) large. Making thisgalamai take a long time and labor that quite a lot because at the time of the ripening process, the dough will be very sticky. Galamaiproduced will be glossy black and taste sweet. These foods are usually made ​​for the celebration of weddings and other traditionalcelebrations.

Karupuak sanjai

Karupuak peganan Sanjai is a kind of cassava is grated crackerthin and then fried and salted as penyedapnya. Crackers are verypopular as a food by-the typical city Bukitinggi, West Sumatra.Crackers sanjai consists of three flavors: Fresh is KarupuakSanjai sanjai crackers that do not use Lado (peppers) or Brown Sugar but was only given salt, Sanjai Karupuak Saka is givensanjai Crackers / Sugar smeared red, and Karupuak Balado is aflavored crackers sanjai Balado.

Karak Kaliang

Karak Kaliang: made from processed cassava is grated andflavored onions. Karak kaliang consists of two types, namely thecharacter kaliang colored yellow (coupled with turmeric as a dye)and the character kaliang white to light brown (no extra turmeric).Food is often used as a daily snack because it tastes delicious.

Lapek Bugis

Lapek Bugis: a kind of food made of glutinous rice (black or white). These foods are rich in coconut milk and coconut. Lapekbugih cooked with coconut milk boiled with sugar, then the doughis formed to dull. Then the dough is rounded and given thecontents therein. Contents consist of the grater part of the sugar.After that, the dough wrapped in banana leaves and steamed.These foods are often eaten as a friend breakfast in the morningor as a snack daily.


Dadiah kind of yogurt is a food made ​​from fermented buffalo milk.Dadiah is fermented in bamboo containers ditutp with banana leafthat has withered on the fire. Dadiah is usually fermented for 24hours. Food is served for breakfast and mixed with ampiang (a type of rice crackers) and palm sugar. These foods taste sour andsavory are fitted so as not to cause a sense of eneg when eaten.

Martabak Kubang

Martabak Kubang is kind martabak eggs, or in the area of ​​West Sumatra called martabak Egypt. Although her ​​specialty martabaksalty, MKH also provides a variety of sweet martabak, includingforeign tourists martabak durian cheese (Rp 50.000, -). MKH has opened three outlets in Padang, a booth in Bogor, and four outletsin Jakarta. Restaurant which is located at Jalan Saharjo shopoccupies two floors. The top floor are equipped with air conditioning, and provided the following prayer mat, mukenah, andgloves. Ground floor with no air conditioning, but you can see the attraction martabak cooking and bread cane is quite entertaining.

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