Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Jambi Culinary

In addition to having a variety of snack in Jambi, the province also has a variety of food is no less delicious, among others:


Way to produce:Each region has a distinctive brand of food area. In Jambi, a well-known istempoyak, Tepe fish curry, fish and pindang. Jambi's third special menu has its own flavor and is well known to the outside daerah.Tempoyak is a food that comes from the fermented durian fruit. It was very inviting. No one Jambi native who has never tasted food made ​​from durian acid Jambi native itu.Tempoyak usually only be found in Jambi when durian season arrives. Tempoyak can be used to createvarious menus such as curry-enough curry tempoyak-famous and a main menu andthe restaurant are several restaurants that peddle Jambi.In addition to curry cuisine,tempoyak also be made for other types of dishes such as chili and curry tempoyaktempoyak river fish . Jambi Tempoyak very tasty if cooked with the fish of the river.Seasonings used are pepper and saffron mashed. And then mixed with water, heat to boiling, then enter the fish. Cinfided mainly to Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, tempoyak is made from the durian fruit which is commonly known as the “king of fruits”, due to its formidable look and overpowering odour. Durian contains a high amount of sugar, vitamin C, potassium, and the serotonergic amino acid tryptophan, and is a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Tempoyak is used as a condiment to local dishes, which gives them a special taste and aroma when added. It is usually stored in non metallic containers like glass, ceramics or plastic. This is due to its acidic nature and might cause corrosion to the metallic container.Taste & smell:Fresh tempoyak has a strong pungent smell and tastes sour and salty. It has a creamy texture and is yellowish in colour. You have to open the container containing tempoyak carefully as it might pop up unexpectedly due to gas buildup in it.Uses as food:Tempoyak is not eaten on its own but added to spicy local dishes to enhance its taste and thicken the gravy. Some of the popular Malaysian dishes are sambal tempoyak ikan bilis (hot and spicy anchovies with tempoyak), ikan patin masak tempoyak (silver catfish in tempoyak gravy), pucuk ubi masak lemak tempoyak (tapioca shoots in coconut milk and tempoyak) and many others.Uses as traditional medicine:In Malay traditional medicine, decoction of the durian leaves and roots are used as an antipyretic. Some believe that the durian has warming properties which can cause excessive sweating. The traditional method to counteract this is to pour water into the empty shell of the fruit after the flesh has been consumed and drink from it.  An alternative method is to eat the durian in accompaniment with mangosteens, which is considered to have cooling properties. Pregnant women or people with high blood pressure are traditionally advised not to consume durian.

Tepe fish curry and malbi.

Tepe fish curry made ​​of cork mashed fish mixed with flour and eggs, then diadonpempek to resemble dough. Then the mixture boil, when cool cut square, and putcoconut milk curry.
Fish Typical recipe Kerutup Jambi

Ingredients: 1 whole catfish, cleaned, cut into 2 parts, 5 large red chilies, thinly sliced​​, 16 shallots, thinly sliced​​, 1 tablespoon of tamarind juice, 2 1/2 teaspoonsalt, 1 tsp sugar, banana leaf to wrap, cooking oil, Method: Mix red pepper, onion,tamarind water, salt and sugar pasir.Tambahkan catfish, let stand 30 menit.Ambilleaves pisang.Beri catfish, wrap, hook both ends with lidi.Goreng in which oil has been heated over medium heat until matang.Angkat, go to leaves and serve while warm.

martabak typical curry gagrak Jambi

Martabak Kari khas Jambi

is different from Palembang. Curry was the same choice: beef, lamb, chicken, fish, or potatoes (vegetarian). His bread isdifferent. In Palembang worn rolled bread or bread prata - is sometimes filled eggs- used while in Jambi is the content of potatoes rolled bread. Bread was fat andheavy, very filling. Kari was also very tasty. Believe me, if you've ordered a portionto be eaten alone, will no longer be able to order food to another.

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