Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

How to Make Lampung Snack

if you want to taste the typical food Lampung but can not go to float, then we provide a recipe that is:

Selimpok Lunik

Selimpok are snacks made ​​from rice flour and mashed bananas. The dough of rice flour mixture and banana wrapped in banana leaves shaped like brains in a larger size, such a long round rice cake with banana leaves, but the tip of the fold-edges. How to cook with this dikukus.Selimpok presented especially whenthere is an event or celebration. and to entertain the guests who will help prepare a celebration and a celebration of the top event. Usually well presented food (snackmarket) such as rocking and development, buwak (kue.red) bracelet, a cake, tastyand quite filling lemang.Rasanya because it is made from rice flour. Simply giving out enough energy supply activities in helping untukmelakukan sahibulmeempersiapkan peak of the hunger for a celebration that usually takes time,costs and customs tenaga.Dalam Ranau area which includes the District Court of Appeals, Warkuk, Simpang Sender, Sukau, Lumbok together in preparation for acelebration especially perkawianan or circumcision it is very common. Where the neighbors who will help and provide a host of consumer needs for every personwho participated in the celebration activities. A custom which still runs today.

Gagodoh or Gaguduh

is a kind of cakesIndonesia, especially in South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. It was like ameatball. Gagodoh made ​​from flour, sugar, salt, lime, and water. For the content ofthese Gagodoh, usually using a banana (or a name to Gaguduh Banana Bananacakes) and Cempedak (name Gaguduh Tiwadak). How to make it is by mixing all ingredients, including bananas or cempedak into a container and stir until blended.After wrapping, the batter and then fried in a wok filled with oil that has been firstheated and flipped through until golden brown. Gagodoh best eaten with a drink oftea or coffee in the rainy season.


Kemplang has similarities with crackers crackers Palembang, because it is madewith a mixture of fish. But the difference is Palembang fish crackers fried andbaked crackers kemplang. How to make baked goods, so automatically withoutoil, making crackers kemplang perfect for those who are oil diet. About it, because it is made from a mixture of fish, it is not much different from the sense ofPalembang fish crackers. Delicious fish sauce mixed with a special (usually included in the package of crackers kemplang plastic) to make crackers kemplanghave sendiri.Kerupuk kemplang taste is also unique with a rather hard texture (asbaked) when compared with the crispy fish crackers and empuknya Palembang.

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