Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

North Sumatera

If you want to vacation in Sumatra but do not know a vacation spot that provides thedelicious culinary, then to solve it let us consider the interesting places to visit tosatisfy you when visiting the province.Sumatra is a province located in the south of the province of Aceh,Southern province of Riau, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia and the Indian Ocean,Western province of Aceh and Indian Ocean Indonesia.Eastern Strait of Malacca.This province is the province's fourth largest population in Indonesia after West Java, East Java and Central Java.This province has a lot of snacks, among which are:

  • Saksang or Sa-sang                                            is a savory, spicy dish from the Bataks of Indonesia.It is made from minced pork or dog meat (or more rarely, water buffalo meat) stewed in blood,coconut milk and spices (including kaffir lime and bay leaves, coriander,shallot, garlic, chili pepper and Thai pepper, lemongrass, ginger, galangal, turmeric and andaliman (the fruit of a native shrub similar to Sichuan pepper).Saksang has special significance to the Bataks, as it is an obligatory dish in Batak marriage celebrations.
  • Barangan bananas                                 are known as typical banana region of North Sumatra, exactly the DeliSerdang. Barangan banana aroma and is known for its distinctive sweet taste,even though it looks like a green banana is not smooth. Because it is typical, the business outlook is fairly good Barangan bananas. Barangan banana demand in the country is quite large. However, supply is still fairly minimal.


  • White bread

In addition to the above informed you can visit a place that is Siantar located about 128 km from Medan. Precisely at Street. Sutomo, in this area there is a legendarybakery every day is always filled with visitors.It is the bakery would think double Roti.Anda pone the sale block, which hasvarious variasi.Tapi, another case of this shop sells bread offered. Because it is clear from the front row of white bread that looks fat.These stores present a two-size loaves of white bread to offer small and large. Toempty the contents can select bread (no content), messes chocolate, apple butterand sugar. Because the atmosphere is very lively visitors should mention the size of the firm when choosing bread and fill as desired. Actually, sugar apple butterspread was too tempting. Brown sugar dough thin apple aroma coconut milk and sugar, a whipped cream that does not make it not taste too sweet, especially whensprinkled with brown messes this manis.Roti suitable to eat along with tea orcoffee in the afternoon. Therefore, at the airport a lot of people bring bread serves as a souvenir.For this small bread dihargari Rp.6000, 00 and 12,000, 00 to a size large. Also at this bakery also sells a layer cake, tarts, sponge cake, and various typical traditional snacks such as rice flour cake bowl, layer cake, bika ambon, banana cake on offer ranging from Rp.1500, 00 - Rp.3000, 00.

  • Martabak Telor and Bandrek

Evening is the best time to savor various North Sumatra dishes in Pasar Kaget, a market that opens nightly along Berastagi main street. Among the interesting dishes are martabak and roti canai, both of which bore heavy Indian influence. Indian are not the dominant ethnic group in the province, but they have definitely left their mark in North Sumatra culinary scene. Among several stalls selling such food is Aboy’s restaurants , named after its owner. It offers martabak telor , roti canai, and Indian-style fried rice.For drinks, you can enjoy a glass of milk tea or try Berastagi’s favorite beverage: bandrek. It is similar to bandrek common in java, a mix of milk and ginger that warms the body, perfect remedy for the cold weather typical of a place standing 1,400 meters above sea level. Across Berastagi, bandrek is an everyday beverage and the pride of locals.It may be a bit puzzling why a popular beverage in Java, especially West Java, ends up wiyh the same popularity in Berastagi. Local tales have it that bandrek was introduced some decades ago by a Javanese who opened the first warung (similar to cafĂ© but with a simpler setup) serving bandrek. Back the, the drink is virtually unknown in Berastagi, but because bandrek suits cold climate, its popularity took off at once. Presently, almost anyone visiting the city will feel obliged to try the beverage. In fact, bandrek has become synonymous with Berastagi.

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