Senin, 16 April 2012

How to Make Snack in Sumatera Barat

Putu Sokok

Femina Resep

250 g white glutinous rice, wash, 200 ml thick coconut milk from ½ coconut grated,2 pieces of pandan leaves, infer, 1 ½ tsp salt, 200 g grated coconut and a half old
Mashed together, wring it out:
20 leaves suji, 5 pandan leaves, 2 tablespoons water
How to Make:
Steamed sticky rice in a hot steamer for 10 minutes, remove from heat. Set aside.
Boil coconut milk with pandan leaves and 1 teaspoon salt. Enter the steamedsticky rice, stir well. Cook until the milk is absorbed out, pour the water leaves sujiand stir well. Lift. Steamed in a hot steamer for 30 minutes until cooked, remove from heat. Enter into a mold sticky rice cake putu (bamboo-shaped tube along the 5 cm, diameter of 2 ½ cm). Press and padatkan dough, remove from mold. Keep going until the dough runs out. Set aside. Mix the grated coconut with remainingsalt and stir well. Steamed in a hot steamer for 10 minutes, remove from heat. Set aside. Putu cake roll into grated coconut until coated evenly. Serve. (f)
For 30 pieces


galamai 300x225 Galamai Payakumbuh

Galamai is Payakumbuh cuisine. No one dared to challenge stigma about Galamaithis community, even though other areas of western Sumatra, there is also what makes this galamai.
Galamai is one small meals with basic ingredients of glutinous rice flour, palm sugar and coconut milk that comes from West Sumatra. If on the other kind of foodis known as the lunkhead or porridge. Almost all the tribes in Indonesia have thiskind of snack.
Glutinous rice flour cooked with coconut milk with sugar cane or palm sugar using a very large pot. Food is usually prepared for weddings and other traditional feast orholiday. Galamai usually made by way of share work because it requires a lot of power to stir the dough in a large amount of time. The results of eating this dish-shaped black colored shiny and feels manis.Galamai normally done together in one group. The process starts from the pound flour, squeeze coconut, stir up theheat in large skillet constantly until cooked as desired galamai. Galamai hasbecome the hallmark of every time that must be presented in any social activitiesuntil the government even souvenirs to be taken and sent to the shoreline.

martabak KUBANG

For the skin: 500 grams flour, 200 ml of water, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon salt
Contents: 1/2 kg beef rendang cooked, sliced ​​green onions 500 grams, 500grams of celery, 500 grams of onion, seasoning to taste Seasoning, 10 eggs
Sauce: 500 ml of boiled water, 60 ml soy sauce, 1 tbsp tamarind water, 1 teaspoon salt, 50 grams sugar, 1 tomato, 100 grams of green chili sauce, 1 sliceonion
How to make:
1. Skin: Mix flour with water, eggs and salt, ulenitambahkan liquid margarine and knead until smooth. Divided into 10 sections, round and coat with cooking oil,cover with damp towel dandiamkan for 1 hour.
2. Sauce: Cook the water with soy sauce, tamarind water, salt, gulapasir, pepperand cayenne pepper, bring to a boil, remove from heat, add sliced ​​tomatoes,bawangBombay
and slices of green chili sauce.
3. Preparation of content: Beat 1 egg and 1 egg duck, stir in 3 tablespoonsratatambahkan sliced ​​green onions, sliced ​​3 tablespoons celery, 3 tablespoonsdagingrendang seasonings and mix a little salt.
4. Heat margarine, spread the telahdilebarkan martabak skin, pour the filling and fold the edges of skin to salingmenutup and cooked golden brown, remove from heat.
5. Serve warm with gravy martabak.

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