Selasa, 03 April 2012


Bolu Kemojo


10 eggs,1 kg of coconut milk (must be thick),500 grams sugar,700 gr flour,Pandan water 1 cup star fruit,and 0.5 tables poons of salt
How to make:
1. Stir flour, sugar until blended.
2. Put eggs one at a time, stirring constantly
3. Put coconut milk, pandan and water gradually, stirring constantly.
4. Put salt.
5. If it is well blended and no grains again, enter the batter into the cake mold komojo who had previously been heated in the oven.
6. oven for about 25 minutes


Lemang glutinous materials:
1 liter of glutinous rice, rinsed and drained, 1 liter coconut milk. From 1 coconut
salt to taste, 1 young bamboo reed stems, diameter 8 cm, washed, young bananaleaves to taste.
How to make lemang Ketan: Cover with banana leaves, bamboo, exaggerating theonthe leaves of bamboo, coconut sticky rice and set aside. Enter campurnan to Full. Lemang fuel on combustion in an upright position and tilt littleround bamboo.Rotate to Mature lemang. Lift, remove and serve with lemang way to cut thethickness according to taste.
Serve with a complement.


inforesep roti prata 300x168 Resep Roti Prata

cake flour 500 grams,
200-250 ml of water, butter / butter 40 grams, 1 teaspoon sugar, and salt 2 teaspoons
Directions: Combine water, sugar, and salt and stir well. Add 20 grams of butter,stirring until rata.Siapkan flour in the dough composition, poured a little watermixture, stirring until blended. Knead until the dough kalis.Bulatkan dough and restfor 20 minutes. Cut the dough and weigh 50 grams, round it off. Smear the doughwith the remaining dough on a baking sheet mentega.Atur or composition of the dough, cover with plastic wrap.Ambil one batter, flatten to thin as the skin thinsmartabak. Fold the edges toward the center. Heat a griddle pan over medium heat,rub with butter. Cook until golden brown. Lift.
Serve with curry or curry.

Lupis Ketan

1 kg of white sticky rice, washed and drained, banana leaves for wrapping, 1 tablespoon water whiting
Oil ointment:
Shredded coconut to taste, with salt in a little (or can be steamed for a while so do not be stale).
Brown sugar syrup:
300 g brown sugar,
3 tablespoons sugar, rice, 125cc water
1 pandanSemuanya leaves in boiled until thick and then strain.
How to make:
Sprinkle sticky rice with water whiting, stir well. Concurrently 2 banana leaves, inthe form of a cone, fill up a bit sticky dg full, flatten and fold down the remainingleaves, paste on both sides up to form a triangle, with a stick pin. Also pinned next to it do not let me open when on the cob (or tied with rope). Boiled for 2-3 hours, drain and let cool. Serve with coconut ointment and doused with red sugar syrup


Ingredients: 200 gr wheat flour, 50 g cornstarch, 100 grams sugar, 4 egg yolks, 2 eggs White eggs, ½ tablespoon yeast, 1/3 teaspoon of BP, 300 ml milk, 50 grmelted butter, 1/3 teaspoon of salt
Toping ingredients: Sugar Donuts, cheddar cheese, brown liquid, Blueberry Jam,Strawberry Jam.
Directions: Mix and shake / stir all the above ingredients except the salt and melted butter. Let stand for 30 minutes. Add melted butter and salt and stir well. Heat thebutter mold and paint. Put the dough. cook until half cooked dough, then reversal (the dough forms a ball). Remove, and sprinkle with the topping ingredients

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