Senin, 16 April 2012

How to Make Snack in Sumatera Barat

Putu Sokok

Femina Resep

250 g white glutinous rice, wash, 200 ml thick coconut milk from ½ coconut grated,2 pieces of pandan leaves, infer, 1 ½ tsp salt, 200 g grated coconut and a half old
Mashed together, wring it out:
20 leaves suji, 5 pandan leaves, 2 tablespoons water
How to Make:
Steamed sticky rice in a hot steamer for 10 minutes, remove from heat. Set aside.
Boil coconut milk with pandan leaves and 1 teaspoon salt. Enter the steamedsticky rice, stir well. Cook until the milk is absorbed out, pour the water leaves sujiand stir well. Lift. Steamed in a hot steamer for 30 minutes until cooked, remove from heat. Enter into a mold sticky rice cake putu (bamboo-shaped tube along the 5 cm, diameter of 2 ½ cm). Press and padatkan dough, remove from mold. Keep going until the dough runs out. Set aside. Mix the grated coconut with remainingsalt and stir well. Steamed in a hot steamer for 10 minutes, remove from heat. Set aside. Putu cake roll into grated coconut until coated evenly. Serve. (f)
For 30 pieces


galamai 300x225 Galamai Payakumbuh

Galamai is Payakumbuh cuisine. No one dared to challenge stigma about Galamaithis community, even though other areas of western Sumatra, there is also what makes this galamai.
Galamai is one small meals with basic ingredients of glutinous rice flour, palm sugar and coconut milk that comes from West Sumatra. If on the other kind of foodis known as the lunkhead or porridge. Almost all the tribes in Indonesia have thiskind of snack.
Glutinous rice flour cooked with coconut milk with sugar cane or palm sugar using a very large pot. Food is usually prepared for weddings and other traditional feast orholiday. Galamai usually made by way of share work because it requires a lot of power to stir the dough in a large amount of time. The results of eating this dish-shaped black colored shiny and feels manis.Galamai normally done together in one group. The process starts from the pound flour, squeeze coconut, stir up theheat in large skillet constantly until cooked as desired galamai. Galamai hasbecome the hallmark of every time that must be presented in any social activitiesuntil the government even souvenirs to be taken and sent to the shoreline.

martabak KUBANG

For the skin: 500 grams flour, 200 ml of water, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon salt
Contents: 1/2 kg beef rendang cooked, sliced ​​green onions 500 grams, 500grams of celery, 500 grams of onion, seasoning to taste Seasoning, 10 eggs
Sauce: 500 ml of boiled water, 60 ml soy sauce, 1 tbsp tamarind water, 1 teaspoon salt, 50 grams sugar, 1 tomato, 100 grams of green chili sauce, 1 sliceonion
How to make:
1. Skin: Mix flour with water, eggs and salt, ulenitambahkan liquid margarine and knead until smooth. Divided into 10 sections, round and coat with cooking oil,cover with damp towel dandiamkan for 1 hour.
2. Sauce: Cook the water with soy sauce, tamarind water, salt, gulapasir, pepperand cayenne pepper, bring to a boil, remove from heat, add sliced ​​tomatoes,bawangBombay
and slices of green chili sauce.
3. Preparation of content: Beat 1 egg and 1 egg duck, stir in 3 tablespoonsratatambahkan sliced ​​green onions, sliced ​​3 tablespoons celery, 3 tablespoonsdagingrendang seasonings and mix a little salt.
4. Heat margarine, spread the telahdilebarkan martabak skin, pour the filling and fold the edges of skin to salingmenutup and cooked golden brown, remove from heat.
5. Serve warm with gravy martabak.

Minggu, 08 April 2012


Kanji recipe Rumbi (Aceh-style Chicken Porridge)

ingredients:1/4 Kg of rice (washed and soaked), 1/2 Wash chicken, 250 grams of boiled shrimp, fried onion, salt it sufficiently.
Seasonings: 1 tbsp coriander, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon anise, 3 pieces ofsensitive, seruas finger cinnamon, 8 red onion, 1/2 knuckle of ginger,
1/2 nutmeg fruit. all materials crushed and wrapped in cheesecloth.
How to make:Yellow rice and fried until roughly crushed.
Boil chicken and rice, until chicken is tender and rice is done.
Tender chicken cut into cubes.
Input into the boiling porridge that has been wrapped spices, salt.
Once cooked serve with diced chicken sowing,
boiled shrimp, and fried onions.

Aceh Timphan typical cake recipe

Ingredients: 200 g glutinous rice flour, 2 tablespoons coconut milk, 1 tablespoonwater whiting, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 250 grams of mashed plantain, banana leaves are young,
Contents: 2 eggs, 50 ml thick coconut milk, 100 grams sugar, 25 grams of jackfruitcooked small chopped, 1/2 tsp plain flour, 1 pandan leaf, 50 grams of finely gratedcoconut, and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Method: Mix flour and glutinous mashed banana and coconut milk, lime water, andsalt until well blended. This dough is used to kulit.Ambil banana leaf spread with oiland dough trimmed leather, give the batter the content and then rolled up, wrappedlike a small rice cake, steamed until cooked over dough + 10 menit.

Make content:Beat eggs and sugar with electric mixer until thick, put wheat flour and coconut milk, stir well, add the jackfruit and young coconut, put pandan leaves, cook until thick, remove from heat, put the vanilla and stir well. Once cooked let cool and use as content timphan.

Jala Bread

Resep Sajian istimewa Idul Adha : Roti Jala

Jala bread Making Ingredients: 500 grams flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 4 beaten eggs a minute, 1 liter of milk from one coconut, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
How to Make Jala bread : Mix the flour, salt and eggs. Stir until well blended. Enter the coconut milk and vegetable oil, stirring until blended and smooth. Heat a griddle pan to the size of 20 cm, give a little oil so as not lenket.
Spoon the batter with a lower aluminum cup with holes. Pour into the pan by swirling. Once cooked, remove from heat and fold. Do it until the dough runs out.

Bhoi cake (small cake)
250 grams sugar, 250 grams of flour, 5 eggs, 2 packs of vanilla, ¼tablespoon of soda
Tools: Mixer (egg beater), basin size, axis 22 Stove, Oven, Prints (small cakes), a small basin, spoon feeding
How to make it:
Egg added sugar, whipped up the flowers. Included vanilla and soda then dokocokagain, then put the flour, stirring - stir again until smooth and ready fordipangganng.

Selasa, 03 April 2012


Bolu Kemojo


10 eggs,1 kg of coconut milk (must be thick),500 grams sugar,700 gr flour,Pandan water 1 cup star fruit,and 0.5 tables poons of salt
How to make:
1. Stir flour, sugar until blended.
2. Put eggs one at a time, stirring constantly
3. Put coconut milk, pandan and water gradually, stirring constantly.
4. Put salt.
5. If it is well blended and no grains again, enter the batter into the cake mold komojo who had previously been heated in the oven.
6. oven for about 25 minutes


Lemang glutinous materials:
1 liter of glutinous rice, rinsed and drained, 1 liter coconut milk. From 1 coconut
salt to taste, 1 young bamboo reed stems, diameter 8 cm, washed, young bananaleaves to taste.
How to make lemang Ketan: Cover with banana leaves, bamboo, exaggerating theonthe leaves of bamboo, coconut sticky rice and set aside. Enter campurnan to Full. Lemang fuel on combustion in an upright position and tilt littleround bamboo.Rotate to Mature lemang. Lift, remove and serve with lemang way to cut thethickness according to taste.
Serve with a complement.


inforesep roti prata 300x168 Resep Roti Prata

cake flour 500 grams,
200-250 ml of water, butter / butter 40 grams, 1 teaspoon sugar, and salt 2 teaspoons
Directions: Combine water, sugar, and salt and stir well. Add 20 grams of butter,stirring until rata.Siapkan flour in the dough composition, poured a little watermixture, stirring until blended. Knead until the dough kalis.Bulatkan dough and restfor 20 minutes. Cut the dough and weigh 50 grams, round it off. Smear the doughwith the remaining dough on a baking sheet mentega.Atur or composition of the dough, cover with plastic wrap.Ambil one batter, flatten to thin as the skin thinsmartabak. Fold the edges toward the center. Heat a griddle pan over medium heat,rub with butter. Cook until golden brown. Lift.
Serve with curry or curry.

Lupis Ketan

1 kg of white sticky rice, washed and drained, banana leaves for wrapping, 1 tablespoon water whiting
Oil ointment:
Shredded coconut to taste, with salt in a little (or can be steamed for a while so do not be stale).
Brown sugar syrup:
300 g brown sugar,
3 tablespoons sugar, rice, 125cc water
1 pandanSemuanya leaves in boiled until thick and then strain.
How to make:
Sprinkle sticky rice with water whiting, stir well. Concurrently 2 banana leaves, inthe form of a cone, fill up a bit sticky dg full, flatten and fold down the remainingleaves, paste on both sides up to form a triangle, with a stick pin. Also pinned next to it do not let me open when on the cob (or tied with rope). Boiled for 2-3 hours, drain and let cool. Serve with coconut ointment and doused with red sugar syrup


Ingredients: 200 gr wheat flour, 50 g cornstarch, 100 grams sugar, 4 egg yolks, 2 eggs White eggs, ½ tablespoon yeast, 1/3 teaspoon of BP, 300 ml milk, 50 grmelted butter, 1/3 teaspoon of salt
Toping ingredients: Sugar Donuts, cheddar cheese, brown liquid, Blueberry Jam,Strawberry Jam.
Directions: Mix and shake / stir all the above ingredients except the salt and melted butter. Let stand for 30 minutes. Add melted butter and salt and stir well. Heat thebutter mold and paint. Put the dough. cook until half cooked dough, then reversal (the dough forms a ball). Remove, and sprinkle with the topping ingredients

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

How to Make Lampung Snack

if you want to taste the typical food Lampung but can not go to float, then we provide a recipe that is:

Selimpok Lunik

Selimpok are snacks made ​​from rice flour and mashed bananas. The dough of rice flour mixture and banana wrapped in banana leaves shaped like brains in a larger size, such a long round rice cake with banana leaves, but the tip of the fold-edges. How to cook with this dikukus.Selimpok presented especially whenthere is an event or celebration. and to entertain the guests who will help prepare a celebration and a celebration of the top event. Usually well presented food (snackmarket) such as rocking and development, buwak ( bracelet, a cake, tastyand quite filling lemang.Rasanya because it is made from rice flour. Simply giving out enough energy supply activities in helping untukmelakukan sahibulmeempersiapkan peak of the hunger for a celebration that usually takes time,costs and customs tenaga.Dalam Ranau area which includes the District Court of Appeals, Warkuk, Simpang Sender, Sukau, Lumbok together in preparation for acelebration especially perkawianan or circumcision it is very common. Where the neighbors who will help and provide a host of consumer needs for every personwho participated in the celebration activities. A custom which still runs today.

Gagodoh or Gaguduh

is a kind of cakesIndonesia, especially in South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. It was like ameatball. Gagodoh made ​​from flour, sugar, salt, lime, and water. For the content ofthese Gagodoh, usually using a banana (or a name to Gaguduh Banana Bananacakes) and Cempedak (name Gaguduh Tiwadak). How to make it is by mixing all ingredients, including bananas or cempedak into a container and stir until blended.After wrapping, the batter and then fried in a wok filled with oil that has been firstheated and flipped through until golden brown. Gagodoh best eaten with a drink oftea or coffee in the rainy season.


Kemplang has similarities with crackers crackers Palembang, because it is madewith a mixture of fish. But the difference is Palembang fish crackers fried andbaked crackers kemplang. How to make baked goods, so automatically withoutoil, making crackers kemplang perfect for those who are oil diet. About it, because it is made from a mixture of fish, it is not much different from the sense ofPalembang fish crackers. Delicious fish sauce mixed with a special (usually included in the package of crackers kemplang plastic) to make crackers kemplanghave sendiri.Kerupuk kemplang taste is also unique with a rather hard texture (asbaked) when compared with the crispy fish crackers and empuknya Palembang.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Jambi Culinary

In addition to having a variety of snack in Jambi, the province also has a variety of food is no less delicious, among others:


Way to produce:Each region has a distinctive brand of food area. In Jambi, a well-known istempoyak, Tepe fish curry, fish and pindang. Jambi's third special menu has its own flavor and is well known to the outside daerah.Tempoyak is a food that comes from the fermented durian fruit. It was very inviting. No one Jambi native who has never tasted food made ​​from durian acid Jambi native itu.Tempoyak usually only be found in Jambi when durian season arrives. Tempoyak can be used to createvarious menus such as curry-enough curry tempoyak-famous and a main menu andthe restaurant are several restaurants that peddle Jambi.In addition to curry cuisine,tempoyak also be made for other types of dishes such as chili and curry tempoyaktempoyak river fish . Jambi Tempoyak very tasty if cooked with the fish of the river.Seasonings used are pepper and saffron mashed. And then mixed with water, heat to boiling, then enter the fish. Cinfided mainly to Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, tempoyak is made from the durian fruit which is commonly known as the “king of fruits”, due to its formidable look and overpowering odour. Durian contains a high amount of sugar, vitamin C, potassium, and the serotonergic amino acid tryptophan, and is a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Tempoyak is used as a condiment to local dishes, which gives them a special taste and aroma when added. It is usually stored in non metallic containers like glass, ceramics or plastic. This is due to its acidic nature and might cause corrosion to the metallic container.Taste & smell:Fresh tempoyak has a strong pungent smell and tastes sour and salty. It has a creamy texture and is yellowish in colour. You have to open the container containing tempoyak carefully as it might pop up unexpectedly due to gas buildup in it.Uses as food:Tempoyak is not eaten on its own but added to spicy local dishes to enhance its taste and thicken the gravy. Some of the popular Malaysian dishes are sambal tempoyak ikan bilis (hot and spicy anchovies with tempoyak), ikan patin masak tempoyak (silver catfish in tempoyak gravy), pucuk ubi masak lemak tempoyak (tapioca shoots in coconut milk and tempoyak) and many others.Uses as traditional medicine:In Malay traditional medicine, decoction of the durian leaves and roots are used as an antipyretic. Some believe that the durian has warming properties which can cause excessive sweating. The traditional method to counteract this is to pour water into the empty shell of the fruit after the flesh has been consumed and drink from it.  An alternative method is to eat the durian in accompaniment with mangosteens, which is considered to have cooling properties. Pregnant women or people with high blood pressure are traditionally advised not to consume durian.

Tepe fish curry and malbi.

Tepe fish curry made ​​of cork mashed fish mixed with flour and eggs, then diadonpempek to resemble dough. Then the mixture boil, when cool cut square, and putcoconut milk curry.
Fish Typical recipe Kerutup Jambi

Ingredients: 1 whole catfish, cleaned, cut into 2 parts, 5 large red chilies, thinly sliced​​, 16 shallots, thinly sliced​​, 1 tablespoon of tamarind juice, 2 1/2 teaspoonsalt, 1 tsp sugar, banana leaf to wrap, cooking oil, Method: Mix red pepper, onion,tamarind water, salt and sugar pasir.Tambahkan catfish, let stand 30 menit.Ambilleaves pisang.Beri catfish, wrap, hook both ends with lidi.Goreng in which oil has been heated over medium heat until matang.Angkat, go to leaves and serve while warm.

martabak typical curry gagrak Jambi

Martabak Kari khas Jambi

is different from Palembang. Curry was the same choice: beef, lamb, chicken, fish, or potatoes (vegetarian). His bread isdifferent. In Palembang worn rolled bread or bread prata - is sometimes filled eggs- used while in Jambi is the content of potatoes rolled bread. Bread was fat andheavy, very filling. Kari was also very tasty. Believe me, if you've ordered a portionto be eaten alone, will no longer be able to order food to another.

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

North Sumatera

If you want to vacation in Sumatra but do not know a vacation spot that provides thedelicious culinary, then to solve it let us consider the interesting places to visit tosatisfy you when visiting the province.Sumatra is a province located in the south of the province of Aceh,Southern province of Riau, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia and the Indian Ocean,Western province of Aceh and Indian Ocean Indonesia.Eastern Strait of Malacca.This province is the province's fourth largest population in Indonesia after West Java, East Java and Central Java.This province has a lot of snacks, among which are:

  • Saksang or Sa-sang                                            is a savory, spicy dish from the Bataks of Indonesia.It is made from minced pork or dog meat (or more rarely, water buffalo meat) stewed in blood,coconut milk and spices (including kaffir lime and bay leaves, coriander,shallot, garlic, chili pepper and Thai pepper, lemongrass, ginger, galangal, turmeric and andaliman (the fruit of a native shrub similar to Sichuan pepper).Saksang has special significance to the Bataks, as it is an obligatory dish in Batak marriage celebrations.
  • Barangan bananas                                 are known as typical banana region of North Sumatra, exactly the DeliSerdang. Barangan banana aroma and is known for its distinctive sweet taste,even though it looks like a green banana is not smooth. Because it is typical, the business outlook is fairly good Barangan bananas. Barangan banana demand in the country is quite large. However, supply is still fairly minimal.


  • White bread

In addition to the above informed you can visit a place that is Siantar located about 128 km from Medan. Precisely at Street. Sutomo, in this area there is a legendarybakery every day is always filled with visitors.It is the bakery would think double Roti.Anda pone the sale block, which hasvarious variasi.Tapi, another case of this shop sells bread offered. Because it is clear from the front row of white bread that looks fat.These stores present a two-size loaves of white bread to offer small and large. Toempty the contents can select bread (no content), messes chocolate, apple butterand sugar. Because the atmosphere is very lively visitors should mention the size of the firm when choosing bread and fill as desired. Actually, sugar apple butterspread was too tempting. Brown sugar dough thin apple aroma coconut milk and sugar, a whipped cream that does not make it not taste too sweet, especially whensprinkled with brown messes this manis.Roti suitable to eat along with tea orcoffee in the afternoon. Therefore, at the airport a lot of people bring bread serves as a souvenir.For this small bread dihargari Rp.6000, 00 and 12,000, 00 to a size large. Also at this bakery also sells a layer cake, tarts, sponge cake, and various typical traditional snacks such as rice flour cake bowl, layer cake, bika ambon, banana cake on offer ranging from Rp.1500, 00 - Rp.3000, 00.

  • Martabak Telor and Bandrek

Evening is the best time to savor various North Sumatra dishes in Pasar Kaget, a market that opens nightly along Berastagi main street. Among the interesting dishes are martabak and roti canai, both of which bore heavy Indian influence. Indian are not the dominant ethnic group in the province, but they have definitely left their mark in North Sumatra culinary scene. Among several stalls selling such food is Aboy’s restaurants , named after its owner. It offers martabak telor , roti canai, and Indian-style fried rice.For drinks, you can enjoy a glass of milk tea or try Berastagi’s favorite beverage: bandrek. It is similar to bandrek common in java, a mix of milk and ginger that warms the body, perfect remedy for the cold weather typical of a place standing 1,400 meters above sea level. Across Berastagi, bandrek is an everyday beverage and the pride of locals.It may be a bit puzzling why a popular beverage in Java, especially West Java, ends up wiyh the same popularity in Berastagi. Local tales have it that bandrek was introduced some decades ago by a Javanese who opened the first warung (similar to cafĂ© but with a simpler setup) serving bandrek. Back the, the drink is virtually unknown in Berastagi, but because bandrek suits cold climate, its popularity took off at once. Presently, almost anyone visiting the city will feel obliged to try the beverage. In fact, bandrek has become synonymous with Berastagi.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

snack in Lampung

If you do not have any other alternatives to travel, it would not hurt if you take your vacation time to Lampung.Lampung provides many alternative tourism, although tourism in this place at first not many people are too well known natural attractions are white sand beaches, forest park Bukit Barisan Selatan, Way Kambas National Park, Mount Pesagi, the history of the museum tour Lampung, cultural tourism: festivals Stabas Gulf, and so forth. From a variety of tours in Lampung Lampung has turned out a lot of alternative tourism. In addition to the above information I will tell you about the snack in Lampung are no less interesting to note that among them are:
  • Empek-Empek 56
Not only have mpek Palembang-mpek good, in Lampung is quite a lot of places that peddle-mpek mpek would just choose which one, which is expensive and tastes good and is mediocre at affordable prices too much. In Belfast there is a named region in Kupang Bay area Betung, in this region can be found along the way are many outlets that sell Empek-Empek, arguably the center-empek empek one-Empek Empek 56 is located at Jalan Salim Coal No. 56. mpek Mpek-56 is quite expensive, it costs only Rp 3200, -. In addition to selling mpek-mpek here also sell tekwan, model, and brains. And for those who want to buy fruit snacks typical hand Lampung can also get here, because here also sell a range of typical snacks Lampung, such as kemplang, crackers, banana chips, jackfruit chips, coffee and all kinds of famous spicy sauce Lampung. 
in addition empek-empek, provinces in southern Sumatra, it also has a variety of other snacks are:
  • chocolate Contents
with the contents of a wide range of variants: the content of durian, cashew content, content and dates, contents mint chocolate, peanut content stoberry blueberries, lemon contents
  • there is a place called Candied Lampung,in the area around the Warehouse Garem, Telukbetung, which provides a variety of snack
    Jongkong & oleh2 typical Lampung.In the shop sells a variety of foods typical souvenirs such as Lampung banana chips, dodol duren Jongkong eat, etc.,. Foods made ​​from flour, water, and sugar are usually fit in the month of Ramadan and eaten to break the fast food kind of flour sugar with water.
  •  ticoen toast,
    Betung bay swamp the market, which sells cheese-covered toast and milk, and contains a lot of bananas, here also provides a beverage that can relieve you